5 year Professional Partnership Agreement

Player Performance Management Program

EISports.ie Partnership  with Soccerlab began June 2017

A Key part of any Player Development Plan is the measurability of Player Performance, Testing & Periodization! It is no longer beneficial to player development to run a program which is not measurable and player focused. Reinvesting in the performance of players that invest in your program is vital because we as coaches must be in a position to say this is where you were this is where you are now and in building confidence in a player or athlete that evidence is critical to building performance evaluation.

Today we have signed a 5 year deal to Partner with a company who are with 72 Professional Clubs, 10 Federations and 5 Colleges. Not only are Soccerlab well established in the Professional Game but we are now the first Program to bring this innovation to the Irish Market. We are now the only program in Ireland to deliver a Player Development Platform which is used by professional clubs.

Soccerlab as Partners of ours are now building our Player Database Platform which will include a fully accessible mobile app for Players and Parents to measure performance and advancements in their Skill, Speed & Performance Levels. This direct contact tool will see players be able to see their performance results against their peers but for those that want too they can also measure their performance against Players in Professional Academies highlighting their strengths and development points.

During our assessment period of the program we were able to see first hand on the Live Database the performance results of a current Ajax Academy player aged 12, 13, 14 & up against a player who progressed on into the first team of the club in the past. Having a benchmark for each player as a comparison means for a Club Like Ajax they can see exactly how a player is performing now versus the performance of a current pro when they were the comparative age.

Partner Clubs will have access to a Mobile & PC App which will have sessions and drills stored for the use in their clubs plus have the option of bringing the product to their own club. These coach education sessions are not available on Social Media nor are they downloadable so for the club it protects their partnership & that their players have access to unique sessions within their club.

Holland, Belgium & Germany have been producing very strong young technical talent for many years now so to be using the same Player Management tool to supports Player & Club Development is very important to us. Dutch clubs continually produce highly technical players so we are delighted to have a management tool on board which is proven to support real Player Development.

Our Partnership with Soccerlab sees us as being the market leaders in this area in Ireland and as such we have an agreement to exclusively Market and Introduce this product to Irish Professional & Schoolboy Clubs. For an Elite Club this management tool is the best way to manage a database of Players who have the potential to go away and become professional and or sign for a Soccer Scholarship.

We have said from the beginning, Innovation is very important to us, this new tool will roll out into our Speed Academy Players from September & Our Soccer Academy for the new season. Accountability and transparency are the foundations of a strong program, with openness on Player Development, parents can be rest assured that we have a Development Focus for their Child! As we are in great company as seen below this can only be seen as a major step forward for us.

EISports Partnership Renewed April 2019

It's Official
From Training to Game we have you covered!

We have signed a 2 Year Agreement with PLAYERTEK by Catapult the market leaders in Player GPS.

PLAYERTEK is the revolutionary GPS athlete monitoring system for coaches and scientists to help coaches make more informed decisions to improve an athletes’ performance.


PLAYERTEK, the revolutionary wearable GPS tracker for competitive team sport. Track & Improve performance then raise your game.

Our Speed Program has produced Speed Increases  of between 16 & 22% over a 24 week period in players, now we feel we must look at the impact that this level of speed increase has on a players overall performance with their club.

PLAYERTEK now represents a real step for Player Development and ensuring that in this era of Technology those Coaching can back up their programs with Scientific evidence of performance & development. This is an investment in the players in the program to become all round better more knowledgeable athletes.
